About Us

Somerset was founded in the US in 2008.

Since then, Somerset has developed a range of leading edge technologies, systems and expertise in tailings management and resource recovery. Somerset has 20 operations globally and is established in the USA, Australia, Canada and Russia.

The Somerset team are specialists in resource recovery and tailings management with decades of experience in the global resources sector. Our team has successfully designed and implemented major materials handling and preparation projects from the design phase through all stages of development including commissioning and optimisation. We have also operated and upgraded major materials handling facilities applying new technologies to deliver enhanced performance. This deep, hands on understanding means we are well placed to deliver the best results for your business.

Leadership Team

D. Lynn Shanks

President and CEO

Anthony Quin

Managing Director

James Graham

Marketing Director

Dr. David Osbourne

Industry Advisor

Todd McDonald

Operations Manager

Lionel Graham

Engineering Manager

Pauline Sinclair

Finance Manager